JPEG, or "The Joint Photographic Experts Group" , the organization that JPEGs are named after, came together in 1992 and published the first JPEG specification standard, and continue to meet, usually every four years, to discuss and develop variations of the format. Their organization continues to host a website that provides content of interest and relevance to the technology communities they belong to. During the early months of the COVID 19 Pandemic Lockdown we decided to explore new modes of connection while in isolation, and in the spirit of the "Expert's Group" we initiated a new internet community, by designing an interactive online group exhibition, inviting others to be with us in the space.
"The JPEGS platform playfully stumbles over the language of art in its construction of the group show. The platform receives submissions, both anonymous and named, they are randomized and they are exhibited in a similarly playful and temporary world of obfuscation. The site is different every time it is refreshed, and its participants are resized, rearranged, and reflected back at the viewer. Who could discern the experts from the amateurs? What good would it do to try?"
- Clint Sleeper